News Listing
February 20, 2025ORSP invites proposals to a limited submission opportunity. One proposal will be selected to move forward to submission to t…
February 11, 2025The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) Affinity Group Catalyst Grants program supports the creation and develo…
February 11, 2025Following are highlights of institutional review board (IRB) updates. For full details, see the spring 2025 updates document…
February 10, 2025The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) Small Grants program supports new or ongoing research projects and scho…
January 15, 2025In January 2025, the White House began issuing executive orders, memos and agency guidance, including some impacting federal…
December 19, 2023Congratulations to the 2023–24 RSCA Fund Competition awardees! · Scott Boswell: Bloodroot: AI & Independent Filmmaking ·…
December 12, 2022The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs has implemented a grants management system to streamline and manage the propos…
October 21, 2022National Institutes of Health’s National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s T32 Training Program for Institutions That Promo…
October 21, 2022SF State received $6,038,004 in grants and contracts in September 2022. Daniel Bernardi, Cinema / Veteran Documentary Corp…
September 28, 2022SF State received $562,584 in grants and contracts in July 2022. Blake Riggs, Biology, American Society for Cell Biology,…
September 28, 2022SF State received $3,148,573 in grants and contracts in August 2022. Charli Sakari, Physics and Astronomy, National Scienc…
August 30, 2022Key Dates · Submission Deadline: Monday, October 10th, 2022 at 9:00 AM (no exceptions) · Anticipated Announcement of Funded…
June 22, 2022Submission Window Date(s) (due by 5 p.m. submitter's local time): February 01, 2023 - March 01, 2023 February 1 - March 1, A…
June 16, 2022You are invited to join us for an information webinar to discuss the FY 2023 Funding Opportunity Announcement For DoD's Rese…
June 09, 2022(Faculty members who have attended three virtual CAHSSA webinars are eligible to apply to participate in a mentored proposal…
June 03, 2022Dear California Cybersecurity Education and Industry Colleagues, Current cybersecurity employment data indicates 63,087 avai…
May 31, 2022The Office of Minority Health (OMH) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services administers grant programs to suppor…
May 25, 2022Third Pre-Submission Webinar is Scheduled for Thursday, June 2nd, 2022 at 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Eastern Time Pre-Registration L…
May 20, 2022The U.S. Department of Education (Department) announces opportunities for individuals to participate in its peer review proc…
May 05, 2022Session 1: Behavioral, Social Sciences and Public Administration - Graduate #1 1st Place: Eric Pennino, California State Uni…
April 22, 2022San Francisco State University will be hosting the 36th Annual California State University Student Research Competition virt…
April 11, 2022The Office of Research at SJSU is pleased to announce that we are hosting a free two-day Interactive Mentoring to Enhance Re…
April 11, 2022April 12, 2022 2:00-3:00 pm EDT (11:00 am-12:00 pm PDT) The grant writing and review process can feel daunting and difficult…
March 08, 2022Michael Taffe, Ph.D., will present “Racial Inequities in NIH Grant Funding” from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. CST on Thursday, March 10…
February 10, 2022Funding Strategies for Social Scientists at HSIs February 18, 2022, 10:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Presenters: Holly M. Hapke, P…
January 20, 2022HAP Office Hours remain virtual Due to the hybrid nature of this semester, HAP Office Hours will remain virtual. Have ques…
March 02, 2021With the help of the University Research Council and the University COVID-19 Budget and Logistics Committee, we have been wo…
March 02, 2021COVID-19 Guidance for Research and Sponsored Programs (11.06.2020) SF State’s Office of Research and Sponsored Programs co…
March 02, 2021You are invited to join the CSU Systemwide Grant Writing Peer Group Pilot Program if you meet all of the following criteria:…
March 01, 2021What: The goal of the SBE B2 2.0 funding opportunity is to encourage submission of proposals from MSIs, and partnerships wi…
Congratulations to the 2024–25 RSCA Fund Competition awardees! Cristina Azocar: Indigenous Peoples and the Media Jennifer B…
SF State students can now access the SPIN database to search for research grants, fellowships and other funding opportunitie…
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has announced the issuance of the revised Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures G…
Key Dates Submission Deadline: Friday, March 15, 2024, at 5 p.m. Anticipated Announcement of Awards: May 2024 Anticipated S…
SF State Create is a new initiative designed to centralize students’ opportunities to participate in research, scholarship a…
Key Dates · Submission Deadline: Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023, at 9 a.m. · Anticipated Announcement of Awards: December 2023 · Ant…
Starting February 1, 2023, the Qualtrics PI Checklist will no longer be used for managing grants within the ORSP office. In…
Seeking Applications: Science Diversity Leadership Program Applications DUE May 19, 2022 by 5p.m. Eastern Time The Chan Zuck…
The SuRE program supports research capacity building at institutions that enroll significant numbers of students from backgr…
Guidelines are now available for two funding programs offered through the National Endowment for the Arts' Office of Researc…
Humanities for All Quick Grant WebinarWednesday, January 19, 202211 am PTRegister here Quick Grants (between $1,000 and $5,…
The California Alliance for Hispanic-Serving Social Science Advancement (CAHSSA) is pleased to announce the launch of new op…
When: January 12, 2022 @12pm to 1:30pm ET Purpose: The purpose of this Notice is to announce the UNITE Listening Sessions Se…
Join us as NIH experts walk through the path of a typical NIH R01 research grant from submission to summary statement to not…
October 29th Hollistic Health Series - Hardiness at work: Psyconeuroimmunological (PIN) buffers against stress reactions Dat…
Strategies for Reviewing Grant Proposals Webcast November 12, 2021 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Participation in the review process…
REGISTRATION OPEN for Webinar October 20th: Best Practices For Competitive Grant Applications: NIH Funding for Research…
NSF HSI National STEM Resource Hub is pleased to announce a call for applications for the 2022 Semillas Mentored Grantsmansh…
Welcome Back! ORSP Office Schedule – ORSP is open and most staff are working on campus two days per week. If you need to me…
August 5, 2021 Dear Colleagues: With this Dear Colleague Letter, the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Directorate for Edu…
We are pleased to launch a second round of the California Humanities Relief Grants to provide much-needed funds to the publi…
Thursday, July 22nd, 2021 Presentation: 10:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. (Lobby opens 10 minutes prior to live session) TOPICS • Insi…
SuRE is a research capacity building program designed to develop and sustain research excellence in U.S. higher education in…
Hollistic Health Series on Friday Come join us as we share ways to stay healthy at home. Open to students, staff, faculty an…
NSF IUSE Seeking Potential Reviewers The Division of Undergraduate Education at the National Science Foundation is in the pr…
Webcast: Tips for Writing Strong Grant Proposal Narratives Presented by Leslie Ponciano, Director of Research Opportunities,…
Webcast: “Demystifying NIH” Workshop January 25 12 to 1:30 PM EST Webcast: Registration Link Zoom link will be sent after…
Who: Awards support individuals pursuing scholarly research that is of value to humanities scholars, students, and/or gene…
COVID-19 Guidance for Research and Sponsored Programs (11.06.2020) SF State’s Office of Research and Sponsored Programs cont…
April 14, 2021 at 2:00 PM Hosted by the NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR) Attend this webinar to learn about navigating…
The California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) has released its fiscal year 2021-22 research solicitation. The projects…
NEH staff will host a webinar describing the program, including eligibility, the application and nomination processes, and s…
With the help of the University Research Council and the University COVID-19 Budget and Logistics Committee, we have been wo…
SuRE is a research capacity building program designed to develop and sustain research excellence in U.S. higher education in…
Hollistic Health Series on Friday Come join us as we share ways to stay healthy at home. Open to students, staff, faculty…
April 28, 2021: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM ET April 29, 2021: 11:00 AM - 3:45 PM ET This is a two-day virtual workshop that will exp…
Do you conduct community-based research? NIH's Center for Scientific Review (CSR) is hosting a webinar on the peer review of…