Grants Management System (GMS)

GMS Login 

  • Recommendation to use Firefox or Google Chrome for PC and Safari for Mac
  • This summer 2024, we are uploading and populating some data elements and files from prior years as early as FY 2015 into the GMS proposal modules in order to run our Proposal Submissions report and Awards report from the system, so please excuse the additional messages that’ll go to you as we cannot turn it off in the production environment. 
  • Sept 2023: due to upgrade, please clear the browser cache and re-save any GMS bookmarks


Non-SF State GMS Login


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)


Guide and Training Resources


GMS Help Desk:


Training Session Sign-up Sheet

  • Training to Initiate Proposal
  • Budget Overview training
  • More than welcome to sign-up again for a refresher training


Access Request (HRMS, FDW, GMS, SPIN)


GMS PI Checklist

  • Qualtrics form has been decommissioned as of  February 1, 2023.  Use the GMS to submit your PI Checklist.


SPIN Login for Students


CFS Financial Data Warehouse (FDW)

  • Email GMS Help Desk at to schedule training and customization of financial reports with ORSP personnel OR
  • Sign up with Financial Services (aka Fiscal Affairs) for training at Training Request (bottom accordion)


PI Acceptance of Responsibility


Upload Proof of COI Training to ORSP


RCR Proof of Training


Subscribe to ORSP Memo