ORSP uses the Grants Management System (GMS) to streamline the administration of grants and contracts at all stages, including proposal development, award management, research compliance, and financial reporting.
- The Grants Management System (GMS) will be offline for maintenance and updates from Friday, June 20, to Sunday, June 22. Thanks for your patience during this time.
- Breadcrumb to create proposal record (e.g., PI Checklist): Login to GMS > PreAward > Create New: Proposal
Routing your GMS PI Checklist to ORSP within 4 weeks or fewer of a funding agency deadline will need to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to assess staff capacity, and we will no longer be able to guarantee that the proposal will be submitted with short notice. Additional information: Need a Grant or Contract
Who is Eligible to Submit a Proposal? Probationary (tenure track) and tenured faculty; Faculty with emeritus status; MPP appointment; or individuals with unexpired Provisional PI Status. Additional information: Need a Grant or Contract > Policies & Procedures
- Browser recommendation to use Firefox or Google Chrome for PC and Safari for Mac
- Blue Review Screen hanging: If you're experiencing issues with the Blue Review Screen hanging in the Grants Management System (GMS), and clearing your cache hasn't helped, try the instruction found in the Guide and Training Resources: Blue Review Screen hanging.
- Check your browser's pop-up blocker settings.
- Allow pop-ups from:
- sfsu.infoedglobal.com
- connecticutchildrens.infoedglobal.com
ORSP GMS Proposal records as early as FY2015: To have a complete record of proposals in the new Grants Management System (GMS), ORSP is uploading data and files from proposals from prior years (as early as 2015) into GMS. Principal investigators will receive automated emails with the subject "Notice of Award Received" and "Proposal Submitted" from senders Rowena Manalo, FNU Atiksha, Yusuf Abdolcader, or Ananyashree Vipin Kothari. Please disregard the emails. We thank you for your patience as we complete these necessary steps and ask that you please excuse the additional emails until the project has been completed, towards the beginning of 2025.
- In January 2025, the White House began issuing executive orders, memos and agency guidance, including some impacting federally funded grants and contracts. The implications of many of these measures are unclear and will depend on how they are interpreted and applied, both by agencies and, ultimately, the courts. ORSP will post updates to this page regularly to keep people informed and help navigate the changes. The Council for Government Relations has also established a resource page with links to government documents, articles and other resources about the executive orders and changes in policies and practices affecting federally funded research.
We want to enhance the Grants Management System for our campus community, and we would love to hear your thoughts. Please share your opinions. Your responses will remain confidential. Thank you for your time and support!
- https://sfsu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cZQ4d7Jst7Qm6a2

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
GMS Help Desk: orspgms@sfsu.edu
Training Session Sign-up Sheet
- Training to Initiate Proposal
- Budget Overview training
- More than welcome to sign-up again for a refresher training
- SPIN training videos
GMS Institutional Standard Reports
- Breadcrumb: Home > PreAward > Institutional Reports > Pre-Defined Reports
- Proposal Submission Report - original submitted proposal amounts
Access Request (HRMS, FDW, GMS, SPIN)
- Qualtrics form has been decommissioned as of February 1, 2023. Use the GMS to submit your PI Checklist.
CFS Financial Data Warehouse (FDW)
Email GMS Help Desk at orspgms@sfsu.edu to schedule training and customization of financial reports with ORSP personnel OR
Sign up with Financial Services (aka Fiscal Affairs) for training at Training Request (bottom accordion)
Custom ORSP Report:
Standard with Original Budget & Pre-Encumbrance aka overview of your Financial Summary status: Breadcrumb > Sponsored Programs > Manage My Grant
Activity Summary by Period – ability to pull Actuals data by accounting periods: Breadcrumb > Sponsored Programs > Grant Admin > Budget to Actual Summary Between Periods
Payroll Detail excluding RRT data: Breadcrumb > Labor Cost Distribution > Payroll Detail
Actuals detail includes RRT data: Breadcrumb > Transaction Inquiry > Actuals Reports > Actuals Transactions
PI Acceptance of Responsibility
Upload Proof of COI Training to ORSP