About ORSP

Mission Statement

The Office of Research & Sponsored Programs (ORSP) helps to create a dynamic, engaging and vibrant environment for SF State faculty and students. By providing support and infrastructure, ORSP gives faculty and students the opportunity to engage in life changing programs that  have an impact both individually and to the broader community.

ORSP administers grants and contracts on behalf of the University for Principal Investigators (PIs) acting independently, collaboratively (working with colleagues at SF State or at other universities), or as part of a Center or Institute initiative.

ORSP supports the success of researchers by:

  • Aiding in the development and management of programs, from concept through service, delivery, and publication
  • Creating intellectually rewarding collaborations among faculty, research partners and students in order to encourage interdisciplinary research
  • Fostering strategic alliances with community partners and external funding agencies
  • Supporting the development of new models that integrate research and teaching in meaningful ways
  • Enhancing the competitiveness of researchers by expanding the grantsmanship and research skills of faculty and staff
  • Developing new, and supporting existing, dedicated research centers
  • Providing a full range of administrative services including proposal preparation and submission, post award management, and a regulatory compliance program



Aubrey, Kip Grant Administrator klaubrey@sfsu.edu 83009 ADM 471
Calder, Joshua Senior Grant Administrator jdcalder@sfsu.edu 53575 ADM 471
Chau, Jenny Compliance Officer jchau@sfsu.edu 81862 ADM 471
Dong, Marissa Grant Administrator mdong@sfsu.edu 54222 ADM 471
Dorey, Antonio Grant Support Coordinator adorey@sfsu.edu 86851 ADM 471
Fine, Emma HAP Specialist efine@sfsu.edu 81005 ADM 469
Haynes, Ronnie Compliance Specialist ronnieh@sfsu.edu 81017 ADM 469
Huynh, Elaine Grant Human Resource Administrator  ebhuynh@sfsu.edu 54090 ADM 471
Knowles, Karin  Senior Grant Administrator klknowles@sfsu.edu 52570 ADM 471
Lam, Thien Grant Development Specialist ttlam@sfsu.edu 81016 ADM 469
Lee, Karen Senior Grant Administrator leesmile@sfsu.edu 82882 ADM 471
Lee, Raeanne Compliance Coordinator rlee9@sfsu.edu 81021 ADM 471
Lee, Yuen (Rain) Grant Support Coordinator rainyuen@sfsu.edu 53920 ADM 471
Li, Cecilia Senior Grant Administrator cecilial@sfsu.edu 81795 ADM 469
Manalo, Rowena Information & Reporting Specialist mamaradl@sfsu.edu 52685 ADM 471
Mou, Candy Senior Grant Administrator candymoo@sfsu.edu 54223 ADM 471
Murphy, Karl Animal Care Facility Manager kmurph@sfsu.edu 86336 HH 816
Paez, Julie Executive Assistant to AVP jpaez@sfsu.edu 53995 ADM 469
Paul, Raman Assistant Director of Sponsored Programs  ramanp@sfsu.edu 83578 ADM 471
Pelton, Susan Interim Assistant Vice President, Research & Sponsored Programs spelton@sfsu.edu 87090 ADM 469
Quijada, Eddy Grant Support Coordinator eddyalex@sfsu.edu 52792 ADM 471
Saez, Anna Grant Support Coordinator annsaez@sfsu.edu 53994 ADM 471
Scott, Michael J. Associate Vice President mjscott@sfsu.edu 53943 ADM469
Tolentino, Jocelyn Sr. Grant Human Resource Administrator jocelynt@sfsu.edu 53992 ADM 471
Wong, Kari Sr. Grant Human Resource Administrator  kari@sfsu.edu 54242 ADM 471
Student Assistants        
Abdolcader, Yusuf Student Assistant, IT / GMS yabdolcader@mail.sfsu.edu   ADM 471
Atiksha, Fnu Student Assistant, GMS


  ADM 471
Baca-Ceballos, Berenice Student Assistant, ACF bbacaeballos@mail.sfsu.edu   HH 816
Flores, Leslie Student Assistant, ACF Lflores11@mail.sfsu.edu   HH 816
Kothari, Ananyashree Student Assistant, Compliance / GMS akothari@sfsu.edu   ADM 471
Pathak, Sonia Student Assistant, HAP spathak@sfsu.edu   ADM 469
Raphaelian, Lilly Student Assistant, ACF lraphaelian@sfsu.edu   HH 816
Ramos, Arianna Student Assistant, ACF Aramos18@mail.sfsu.edu   HH 816
Ramos, Dorkhas Student Assistant, ACF Dramos13@mail.sfsu.edu   HH 816
Won, Joohee Student Assistant, HAP Jwon3@sfsu.edu   ADM 469