Restarting Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities at SFSU Application


With the help of the University Research Council and the University COVID-19 Budget and Logistics Committee, we have been working to create the necessary application documents in order to restart RSCA activities both on-campus as well as in the field. In light of multiple public health and safety concerns, the SFSU administration is cautiously beginning to allow for activities to resume following the guidance provided by the CSU Chancellor’s Office and the San Francisco Department of Public Health.   

  • For faculty needing to return to campus in order to pursue their RSCA, we request that you complete the COVID-19 Research, Scholarship, Creative Activities On-campus Application. Application window for on-campus work: October 29 to November 13

APPLY HERE for On-Campus Work

  • If you would like to resume fieldwork the does not involve Human Subjects, please fill out the Fieldwork Approval Application. Application window for Fieldwork: October 29 to November 13.

APPLY HERE for Fieldwork Approval



SFSU Guidance for Human Subjects Research here

Priority will be given to work that fits within the categories emphasized by the Chancellor’s Office Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities Directive ( ). 

Only the following buildings are slated to be available to support on-campus RSCA activities: Burke Hall, Creative Arts, Fine Arts, Gymnasium, Hensill Hall, HSS, Science, Thornton Hall, and the Romberg Tiburon Campus.  Please note: the list may change at any time pending Chancellor’s Office and SFSU Budget and Logistics Committee guidance.

In order to process the applications in a timely manner, they will be evaluated in several batches over the next several months. All applications for on-campus work will be evaluated by a committee of faculty from throughout campus as well as the University COVID-19 Budget & Logistics Committee.