Need a Grant or Contract
Applying for a Grant
When you are interested in obtaining grant funding, ORSP is available to assist you at each step along the way.
Route to Successful Submission

- 3-5 Months before Agency Deadline - Recommended: Submit a GMS PI Checklist, Begin proposal preparation, Review funding announcement, Request statistical and design support.
- 4 Weeks before Agency Deadline - Submit a GMS PI Checklist if you haven't already done so (Recommended), External pre-review of Federal proposals possible.
- 2-3 Weeks before Agency Deadline - Work with GA on budget, budget justification, and other proposal documents.
- 7 Business Days before Agency Deadline - Submit to your GA the final copy of your budget, budget justification, and draft narrative for internal review and approval by AVP, Finance and your Dean.
- 2 Days before Agency Deadline - Mandatory: ORSP will submit your proposal to ensure error-free electronic submission.
If you are looking for funding sources, please see our Search Tab in the accordion below. Please note that if you plan to pursue funding from corporations or foundations we highly encourage you to contact the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations to discuss your project.
Once you have identified where you plan to apply, please inform us by filling out a GMS PI Checklist, so that we can begin helping you with your proposal submission. Effective October 1, 2020, GMS PI Checklists submitted within 4 weeks or fewer of a funding agency deadline will need to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to assess staff capacity, and we will no longer be able to guarantee that the proposal will be submitted with short notice. You should submit your GMS PI Checklist at least 5 weeks before your deadline, so that we can ensure we will have the staffing resources available to work with you.
As soon as we receive your GMS PI Checklist, a member of our staff will contact you to schedule a meeting about your proposal. An HR specialist also will attend, to help with staffing classifications, salary and benefits information.
Publishing your research prior to submitting a grant proposal may increase your chances of being funded. Grant editing and research development assistance is also available.
Have a Grant or Contract
Need to Knows About Managing Grants
ORSP assists PIs and their administrative staff in managing research projects throughout an award's lifecycle. There are a variety of award management functions that ORSP conducts to ensure compliance with a project's funding terms and conditions; basic information about the most common functions is provided in this section.
After the award has been fully executed, the PI will work with their GA to set up a budget for the award (based upon what was submitted in the grant proposal). If there is an identified collaborator or entity at another University, ORSP will establish a subcontract so they may conduct their portion of the work on the project.
Once the budget has been established, the PI can begin to spend grant funds to conduct their research.
Depending on the funder, the type of award, approved spending categories, and funded activities, the PI will need to: engage in aspects of the University's Compliance Program; review and approve expenditures on the project; submit progress reports to the funder, and / or request a no-cost time extension on the award. There are also standard procedures for closing out a project that are initiated by ORSP prior to the award's end date.
Both the Principal Investigator (PI) and ORSP have important roles in the management of a sponsored project.